Old Tech – low tech – New Tech

Old Tech, scanned BW400CN

Old Tech, scanned BW400CN

Sometimes it is nice to go low tech . . . but then the reliance on new tech is there as well.  I used my Nikon D7000 and a DIY  light box with cardboard mask to copy this negative and the post process it on my PC with an image processing program where I corrected for contrast, clarity, cropping and finally did a bit of stylizing which was only to add a border.   This photo was shot using my 4×5 camera with a roll film back and outdated (expired) film, and a 120mm fuji lens.  I do not recall the settings but the scene was really contasty and far exceeded the films ability to capture detail in both shadow and highlight.  I did bracket a few shots but had some interruptions in shooting and the other two shots where lost due to multiple exposures (in other words I forgot to advance the film) . . . shtuff happens!!! Needless to say this shot was manageable in post.

So let us take the “Low Tech” a bit further . . . lets add home processing the film with Coffee . . .

first test of caffenol developer

first test of caffenol developer, Hasselblad 500, 50mm lens

The above shot was made at a fun get together and later I processed it using caffenol in a stainless tank and used a stainless 120mm reel,  Although I enjoyed using the same setup for 35mm film back in the day!I found that 120 film to be a real pain in the ass to load on the reel correctly which caused some undeveloped parts of the film, A switch to a Patterson plastic tank and reel system proved a better solution, scanning was done again with the lightbox / digital camera solution.  I was please with the caffenol developer and am continuing to explore it with various B&W films.

Example: crappy processing due to poor film seperation

Example: above photo shows crappy processing due to poor film separation on reel

The above photo is usable in an artistic way, but it is after all a “Happy accident” and not repeatable (or controllable) .

Below is a quick photo of my current “grab n go” table . . . I move various film cameras in and out of this mix to include large format or medium format but the digital cameras stay the same (A Nikon D200 with a lensbaby composer & my Nikon D50 converted IR camera with 18 ~ 70mm lens)

Grab n Go table

Grab n Go table

and lastly my latest little treasure to come my way . . . An Original Fuji X100

The Fuji X100

The Fuji X100

I have it set up for B&W only and find it to be a fun little camera.  Will it replace my film cameras? not likely, it is a nich camera and a welcome addition . . I’ll be lugging it about with me as it does allow me some anonymity that my bigger cameras do not . . . really it does.  Would you look twice at someone using this camera or if they looked like the following image?

4x5 digital setup . . this draws attention

4×5 digital setup . . this draws attention

or this?

Looking down the Hasselblad, photo courtesy Rhea Q.

Not to conspicuous being aimed at by the Hasselblad, photo courtesy Rhea Q.

the closest thing in film I have to a quiet shooting film camera is this little folding 35mm camera

Balda Jubilette

Balda Jubilette

So lets make it easy . . . . for shooting grab n go, street shots or just plain get the camera outta my way I just want to shoot.

the Fuji X100 wins hands down.  Granted I’m not turning loose the Nikons and the Big special purpose lenses . . they rule the game in those special niches like wild life, or high speed photography . . . even my film based Large format cameras rule for landscape photography.  But the camera on the car seat, on my lap, or just going casual walk about or chasing the grand kids about the house . . . it’s the fuji X100, nope it’s not the fastest but I’ll take a few losses here and there . . . it’s a fair trade for that anonymity needed to capture that one moment . . .




enough said . . . I rest my case.

Old Tech – Low Tech style – New Tech style meets my need for both ease and expression of my style.  I’m outta here, just had the urge to post . . . it has been awhile and I have been busy.

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