WOW already Mid 2023



  • R-eye is still a No-go for central vision . . . So other than peripheral and some near center focus that’s it. No more viewfinders for this eye.
  • L – eye, Doing good it’s the usable one, retraining to use for focusing, but yeas of muscle memory are hard to forget when you have action in front and only a split second to aim focus and shoot. Guess I’m a work in progress now.
  • everything else, just getting old, slow and it hurts to play hard 😉

Cameras are a back seat, need to spend some time out again, plans for a few outings for birding.

Radios are the game at the moment . . POTA is the game . . .

No further entries , will check in next month. the Blog remains up because of the camera info.

catchya later taters

Tim & Bungee are out of here.


A fun little Ham Radio related DIY project for making a loading coil for an End Fed Half Wave 20m-40m antenna. This article shows you how to make a Loading Coil specific to this antenna only. No math or formulas just a simple quick easy project for the POTA / SOTA, back packer radio op.


Here is the Downloadable PDF. I did not design the items or the antenna, I am just presenting this for the Ham who likes to go down the DIY road and maybe save a few pennies along the way. 73 de WI6NG (Tim Scott)

Ye Olde Eye’s

an update regarding my vision issues over the past 2 years

Right eye: vision = 20/200, non correctable . . . nope not great, the retina damage was repaired and has healed, but the central part has some scaring and dead areas. Peripheral vision is great. The cataract replacement went well, but did not correct anything with the retina damage.

Left eye: cataract surgery went great, distance vision is good, corrective glasses will take care of the close up stuff. I still have to be aware of the retina problem as I have the same problem in this eye that I had in the right eye. The viscus material is shrinking and pulling on the retina. The cause is old age, I’m in that 10% that have this issue . . .

Now I just wait for the healing and a few more weeks of eye drops . . . then a new eyeglass script

that’s that . . .

Right now reading is a bit difficult, the PC is usable but in sighted mode so text is bigger . . . thanks if your following the blog, Where will this lead to? don’t know yet

Blessed be, be safe

Digi . . .

here’s a look inside my Right eye

Still going, NOT gone Yet

Well I had an update to my eye issues.

Waiting for an appointment to see a specialist . . . been a week since my followup and the Docs at the VA have decided to send me out as the condition of my right eye has gone beyond their capabilities.  Hmmm doesn’t sound good, my left eye is still usable at the moment but could worsen as well.  Boy 2020 has not been a good year, for me . . or . . .  most anyone else.

my biggest fear . . . loosing my sight.

anyway Life here on the West coast is bearable, breathing is tough due to all the smoke from the forest fires . . . hate to see all the forests burning down, but that’s a lack of management issue, so sad.  Yes there is climate change but that’s not the damn cause . . .  kinda like sayin climate change is the cause of your house burning down because of all the garbage you left laying around and dropping a match and going . . . oh golly! why’d it catch fire . . . anyway . . . hope everyone is doing well, being safe and well staying sane.

laters taters

Digi out.

Going Going . . . GONE

Loosing my sight


Retinal detachment describes an emergency situation in which a thin layer of tissue (the retina) at the back of the eye pulls away from the layer of blood vessels that provides it with oxygen and nutrients. Retinal detachment is often accompanied by flashes and floaters in your vision. (more…)

Ham Shack in a box

Ham Shack


a Box

This is a “Go Box”, it is my Ham Shack . . .


Lock Down

Just a quick note; be safe, play safe . . . Almost May, have spent most of April behind my front door or in my back yard.

I am back on the air again (Ham Radio) as WI6NG . . . this world wide pandemic is a real scare, and, some people (the lemmings) are ready to surge over the edge of the cliff.  I do wish everyone well . . .

Let us hope May brings back some sanity and stability and PEACE to the world.

Digi out

Wait for it

The evening Sun is setting, Colors are getting cooler in tone, but just as the sun sets it spotlights what is facing it with a wash of fiery reds . . .

Evening Light on an Egret Rookery


Sea Otter Rescue

What happens when a Sea Otter is stranded out of the water?

  I was at a place I enjoy going several times a year . . . Morro Bay, California.  The occasion was a getaway to celebrate my upcoming birthday.  It’s true, I am shameless and will use any reason to visit Morro Bay when I can.  Well we got there the previous evening, got our customary “Brown Butter Cookies”, went by the quay wall skirting the channel leading into harbor to see the Sea Otter Pods that gather near sundown to sleep and the kelp beds (called rafting), then on too the hotel which was right on the waterfront with a beautiful view of “the Rock” as Morro Rock is referred to  . . .


Morro Rock . . .  Morro Bay

Then it was out to eat and back to our room.  I did get some nice pix of the Otters before dark and had plans for an early morning the following day, little did I know the drama that was in store for me the next day . . (more…)

So Long and Hello

So long 2019


Hello 2020


So goes another year, as I will refer back to my last post July-2019 I can say the Sabbatical has been a refreshing retreat from the slog of blogging and other such things.  I have maintained my DeviantArt posts and some on Facebook as well.  I did clean up my friends lists and follows as well . . . sorry if you where one who may have gotten the axe, but hey, some relatives got that as well !   I am starting to release my grip on various pieces of camera gear and trim down a bit . . . My plan is to end up with only what is current and relative to meet my needs (mostly wildlife & birds).

I really cannot say what my final plans will be or where my interests will take me.  I will leave these older posts which some value to old techniques, or photo equipment as references, if anyone uses any part of then please be kind and reference your source . . .

I’m having fun with Astro Photography as well as back out in the field with wildlife and birds . . . I’ll leave you with one here . . . you can always visit me on DeviantArt “Digipainter”  and view my wildlife posts there.

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes, early morning mist. Merced National Wildlife Refuge, Ca. USA

Well . . . So long 2019 . . .

Hello . . . 2020

Digi . . . . aka (Tim)


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